Monday, February 28, 2011

Selling endowments early cash-in value of endowment policies surrendering endowments, with-profits policy surrender

Selling endowments early cash-in value of endowment policies surrendering endowments, with-profits policy surrender

Endowment Selling

If your With Profits Endowments Policy is no longer wanted, think before surrendering it back to the life company.

Surrenda-link are the leading buyer of "with profits" endowment policies. If you provide the details of your policy to them they can determine if they are able to make you an offer, will write to you direct.
On many policies you can achieve an offer significantly above the surrender value. Surrenda-link are usually able to make an offer on endowment policies that are traditional with profits endowment policies, at least six years old and with a minimum surrender value of £5000.

Why do people surrender or sell with-profit policies?

The reasons are varied but are usually attributed to a change in circumstances such as redundancy, divorce or a change in mortgage arrangements. In normal circumstances, it is best to continue with a with-profit endowment to maturity, but for various reasons this often does not happen. It is important for anybody thinking about encashing a policy to consider all options. These are:

* Arrendersi politica dotazione diretto l'ufficio che rilascia la vita.
* Prestito contro la politica, sia presso l'ufficio di vita di emissione o da una banca che utilizza la politica come la sicurezza.
* Rendere la politica dotazione 'versato' che significa non pagare i premi maggiori sono sulla politica, ma benefici ridotti saranno ricevuti in caso di decesso o di maturità.
* La vendita all'asta della politica. Vendere politica dotazione sul mercato del TEP di seconda mano.
Gli assicurati dovrebbero anche ricordare che in caso di rinuncia o di vendere la loro politica di dotazione di perdere il beneficio della tutela dell'assicurazione sulla vita, e se la loro politica è con un ufficio di vita comune che demutualises successivamente perderebbero la possibilità di eventuali pagamenti imprevisti. Tuttavia, se si hanno considerato queste alternative e hanno deciso di incassare il vostro guadagno con la politica di allora esp dovrebbe essere in grado di aiutarvi a ottenere il prezzo migliore. La Tep Mercato Ogni anno circa 90 milioni di sterline è perso da persone che le politiche dotazione arrendersi di nuovo alla società la vita. La maggior parte delle persone non sono consapevoli che esiste un fiorente mercato di seconda mano a politiche di dotazione e un gran numero di operatori market maker desiderosi di acquistare con le politiche indesiderate a scopo di lucro per la vendita a singoli investitori o fondi di investimento specializzati.
TEP I market maker sono spesso disposti a pagare un prezzo notevolmente più elevato per queste politiche rispetto ai valori di dotazione di imprese di assicurazione resa. Sorprendentemente però, non ci può essere una notevole variazione le offerte fatte dai vari operatori di mercato e quindi le persone che hanno preso la giusta decisione di vendere piuttosto che arrendersi, non può in definitiva ottenere il miglior prezzo a meno che non si avvalgono di un servizio come il nostro .
Utilizzo di un Broker Tep Presentando le informazioni di base sulla vostra politica, i mediatori sono in grado di prendere in considerazione offerte e quotazioni che possono, e quasi sicuramente sarà migliore il valore di riscatto con le politiche utili.
lavorerà solo Surrenda-link con i responsabili di mercato per individuare il miglior prezzo possibile per le politiche. Con la loro conoscenza dei market maker e le esigenze individuali, in genere possono negoziare offerte di cassa sostanzialmente più elevato di un individuo andare da soli. E 'abbastanza usuale per gli intermediari di ottenere prezzi di vendita al di sopra del valutazioni compagnia assicurativa resa e, a volte su alcune politiche, può ottenere molto di più il valore di riscatto.
Surrenda-link offrire un servizio di mera esecuzione per i clienti che hanno già preso la decisione di incassare le loro politiche con-profit, il che significa che noi non offriamo consigli o esercitare alcun giudizio sul merito di qualsiasi vendita delle politiche.
Se desiderate ricevere una consulenza indipendente per quanto riguarda le alternative allora rivolgersi a un consulente finanziario indipendente.
Come contattare Surrenda-link
Surrenda-link della ricerca il mercato e fornire un preventivo per la vostra politica con fini di lucro, si completano i moduli di richiesta e cliccare il pulsante di invio.
Controllare l'elenco riportato di seguito per vedere se la vostra politica sarà di interesse per i responsabili di mercato della TEP.

* È emessa da una affermata azienda di assicurazione sulla vita?
* È un tradizionale con la dotazione di utili o con utili tutta la vita politica?
* Ha durata di almeno sei anni?
* Ha un valore di riscatto dotazione di almeno £ 5000?
* Poi Surrenda-link dovrebbe essere in grado di citare per la sua politica.
Il servizio è gratuito e riservato senza impegno. Ricordatevi che se volete un preventivo è necessario trovare i documenti di politica ad un certo punto. Vi sarà meglio trovare quei documenti e compilate il form di medio o prolungato che indica esattamente quali sono le richieste ed evita numerose iterazioni per telefono e per posta.

sold endowments - Act now to reclaim your cash

sold endowments - Act now to reclaim your cash

Does this affect me? 

Selling your policy What is a final proposal?
A final proposal is what we offer. This means that we are buying insurance directly to you with our money. There are buyers, not brokers. This means that, unlike some of our competitors, do not rely on matching buyers for our clients, we are the buyer. So we can get the entire purchase process completed within 3-6 weeks. How long is the offer open?
Your offer is open for 7 days from the date it is of value (the date will appear at the top left of the contract). Nothing outside of this time might be necessary to re-evaluate or canceled according to our criteria at the time. I have a final proposal above, it can improve yours?
If you receive a final proposal as to let us know the name of the company that has offered this to you and the price. One of our representatives about the department forward this evaluation to see if we can compete against them. How do I pay?
You pay with a check for a lawyer once you have provided all the documents and we have verified the details of policy with the office of life. When should I stop paying my monthly premiums?
If you decide to sell your policy to us with a contract in the box the last line will say "for (and then a date) anything the seller and included after that date may be canceled, but that date must be paid by you. Want to buy unit-linked endowment policies or flexi-cluster plan?
No, we not only acquire 100% with-profits endowments. If the political unit of reference, being in a managed fund, with the cluster plan or a flexible then unfortunately these are not the kind of policies we buy. I lost my original policy documents, I can still sell my endowment?
Get your life in office for a replacement policy document, but make sure it is a replacement and not a copy with the "copy" the words around the world. With some life offices - Standard Life, Scottish Friendly, Scottish Widows and Prudential - do not always require a political document. What happens if the policy is insured against a mortgage?
A policy can be sold until suitable arrangements are made with the lender to repay or re-arranging the loan. Our lawyers will assist with the regime to release the policy document by the lender. Time Scale How long does the value of a policy?
Usually one business day. You will receive a contract in the post to sign and send back to us or you will receive an e-mail to say that they can 'make an offer. How long does it take to get paid?
Usually 3-6 weeks, faster than the documents are provided to our lawyers as fast as you can complete the purchase. Taxes Do you have any hidden costs or expenses?
No, no, the supply contract is the amount you receive from premiums paid until the date indicated on the contract. Any loans against the policy can be inferred from the offer or re-paid by you. What is the tax position, if a policy is sold?
Selling the policy will lead to tax consequences as a surrender to the insurance company. Security What happens to my personal information?
We collect your e-mail only for use by policy and our lawyers first and only gather information we need to buy your policy. This information will be used only in connection with the sale of your policy and for no other purpose.
We hate spam as much as you do. We do not share your information with anyone. You will not receive spam or junk mail as a result of giving your details. Since the supply of two referees required?
If you sell to us, ask for two references. This is because, at some point after the sale of the policy, the new owner could be required to determine whether a question was raised. How can I tell you that you say you are?
We are governed by the (Financial Services Authority), FSA registration number 179442, the details can be found on their website. We are also a member of the APMM (Association of Policy Market Makers), the premier industry trade body. How do I know if I have paid?
The transfer of ownership of the policy is conducted by a lawyer who holds the money owed to the trust in the same way it would if we were buying a house. The money is then paid as soon as the lawyers to receive notification that the ownership of the policy framework has been transferred to us. Lawyers are regulated by the Law Society.

ACT Quickly, time is ticking

Time is rapidly running out to make a complaint and get compensation, so if you think you may've been missold, it is urgent to act as quickly as possible. If you're planning on doing any overpayments on your mortgage to check in advance if this might affect your claim misselling.
The companies said they would only need to deal with claims if they were made within the two limits of time ... the longest:

* O ... six years since you purchased the policy.

You have six years from the date you bought your policy, but most policies have been substantially sold more than six years ago, so this is largely defunct.

* O ... three years from the date on which it is realized that may've been mis-sold.

Again, time is running out here as it is more than three years since the governor has said that companies had to write to the customer who had shortcomings. Yet not all banks started sending letters immediately and you can not have had a deficit initially, and then received a subsequent letter.
What to do if you think you are past the time limit.
Even if you crossed the line still worth trying to make a claim, as we are often talking about a lot of money. The nature of the complaint has to face because you have not made a claim - in time.
Although this is only "I received the letter and did not really understand what I was saying, but she explained and it does now." The best thing to do here is a quick phone call to the helpline for the Financial Ombudsman, which deals with these cases to see how the country is, the number is 020 7964 0500.

 How to complain: it only takes a few minutes

You must pick up paperwork as far as you can find and then need to write to the company that sold you the policy.

The campaign to reclaim equipment first started, and what? has years of experience through his campaign Endowmentaction free. (If the link does not work for you search for 'mis-sold endowments' What the homepage.)

It will tell you who to complain about (usually the Financial Ombusdman), as it includes the letters can be printed to make a complaint immediately. So, quite simply, at this point allow me to pass that way.

What happens if the company no longer exists I have a complaint?

It may still be able to claim off the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, which is a state body there to protect consumers if things go wrong. More details on the FSCS website.

Don’t pay to complain  

There are many companies willing to fight your battle for you (just try to do a search on Google and you'll see them all). Everyone says its free, but shock, horror they also want to take a major cut of your winnings. I'm not a big fan of these, you're free to do so much better with Endowmentaction and help the Financial Ombudsman.

Yet, if you are at the end of your attack and do not think any other way, then it is better than doing nothing. However, to ensure that it will not pay a cent if you do not receive compensation and that, even if you are simply taking money from your compensation and do not charge a fee or make you buy an insurance policy.

source :1 

Selling & Cashing in Endowment Policy - Advice - Review - Mortgage

Selling & Cashing in Endowment Policy - Advice -  Review - Mortgage

Cashing in Endowment Policy

 If you are thinking of cashing in your endowment policy you basically have two possibilities. You can surrender your policy back to the insurance company, or you can in some cases depending on your policy details sell your endowment policy to a third party.

When you request a surrender value you are in most cases getting a poor value deals as the value does not necessarily reflect the true value of the endowment. By selling your policy you may get more through a specialised buyer.


Get more for your endowment policy..

Looking to get rid of your endowment policy? Instead of settling for the endowment surrender value offered to you by your insurance company, you should look at selling it and you could get more.

There are investors who see endowments as a desirable asset due to their non-income producing nature and partially guaranteed return.

Not all endowments are suitable for selling on the second hand market - generally only traditional with profit policies that are at least five years old- but our brokers are experts in selling endowment policies, and will be able to help you find out if an offer can be made on your endowment.

If, however, you feel that the risks associated with your endowment mortgage were not fully explained to you at the time you took it out, you may have been a one of millions of people that were mis-sold endowment policies, in which case you can make an endowment complaint.

The FSA estimates that as many as 4 million people may have been mis-sold endowment policies, mostly by being misled into thinking their endowment was guaranteed to pay off their mortgage; if this sounds familiar, you can do something about it.

Endowment Advice

Confused about your endowment options?

If you have an endowment policy that is not on track to pay your mortgage at maturity, you should think about getting endowment advice about the options available to you.

If you took an endowment policy out in the 1980s or 1990s and it is now unlikely to pay out its original estimate, you are certainly not alone. Many people are in the same boat, and have realised that the endowment they took out to pay off a mortgage liability is not going to pay out enough.

Endowment Review

Don’t know what to do with your endowment?

If you have an endowment policy and it is not on track to pay your mortgage or has a projected shortfall, you can get an independent endowment review to help you understand the options available to you.

As a result of volatile stock market conditions over the past decade, many endowment policies taken out in the 1980s and 1990s are unlikely to pay out the amounts originally estimated. If you took out the endowment to pay off a mortgage liability the endowment may not pay out enough to do so.
You should have been receiving letters over the last few years from your endowment provider telling you:
  • If your endowment policy is still on track to pay off your mortgage at the end of the term;
  • the amount of projected shortfall, if any 
  • the options open to you
  • what further action you need to take
You may also have received an endowment surrender value from your provider.
If you have an endowment and need advice about the options available to you, or you are intending to surrender the policy, you should get independent advice.


Selling Endowment

Get more by selling your endowment!

Don't accept the surrender value quote from your insurance company until you have obtained a quote to see if you can get more by selling it.
Selling endowments has become more and more popular as people begin to realise that you can get more for selling endowment policyes rather than just accept the surrender value offered by your insurance company. 

Endowment Mortgage

Get more for your endowment mortgage

If you are thinking of surrendering your endowment mortgage, think again! You could get more than the surrender value by selling it on.
There are plenty of investors who see endowment mortgages as a desirable asset - this is because they have a 'non-income producing nature' and partially guaranteed return.

If you think the risks of your endowment mortgage were not properly explained to you, then you may have grounds for an endowment complaint.

source page:

Sell Your Endowment Policy - 1stpolicy (FAQ)

Selling your policy 

What is a firm offer?
A final proposal is what we offer. This means that we are buying the insurance directly to you with our money. There are buyers, not brokers. This means that, unlike some of our competitors, we do not rely on matching buyers to our customers, we are the buyer. So we can get the entire purchase process completed within 3-6 weeks. How long is the offer open?
Your offer is open for 7 days from the date it becomes valuable (the date will appear in the upper left of the contract). Nothing outside of this time may be necessary to re-evaluate or canceled according to our criteria at the time. I have a final proposal above, it can improve yours?
If you receive a final proposal more than let us know the name of the company that has offered this to you and the price. One of our representatives about the department forward this evaluation to see if we can compete against them. How do I get paid?
We will pay you by check to a lawyer once you have provided all the documents and we have verified the details of policy with the office of life. When should I stop paying my monthly premiums?
If you have agreed to sell your policy to us on a contract in the box the last line will say "for the seller and inclusive (and then a date) anything after that date may be canceled, but that date must be paid by you . Want to buy unit-linked endowment policies or cluster flexi-plan?
No, we do not only buy 100% with-profits endowments. If your policy reference unit, being a managed fund, with the cluster plan or a flexible then unfortunately these are not the kind of policies we buy. I lost my original policy documents, I can still sell my endowment?
Ask your office life for a replacement policy document, but make sure it is a replacement and not a copy with the "copy" the words everywhere. With some life offices - Standard Life, Scottish Friendly, Scottish Widows and Prudential - we do not always require a political document. What happens if the policy is insured against a mortgage?
A policy can be sold until suitable arrangements are made with the lender to repay or re-arranging the loan. Our lawyers will assist with the regime to release the policy document by the lender. Time Scale How long does it take for the value of a policy?
Usually one business day. You will receive a contract in the post to sign and send back to us or you will receive an e-mail to say it can not 'make an offer. How long does it take to get paid?
Usually 3-6 weeks, faster than the documents are provided to our lawyers the faster you can complete your purchase. Taxes Do you have any hidden costs or expenses?
No, no, the supply contract is the amount you receive from premiums paid until the date indicated on the contract. Any loans against the policy can be inferred from the offer or re-paid by you. What is the tax position, if a policy is sold?
Selling the policy will lead to tax consequences as a surrender to the insurance company. Security What happens to my personal information?
We collect your e-mail only for use by the first policy and our lawyers and only gather information we need to buy your policy. This information will be used only in connection with the sale of your policy and for no other purpose.
We hate spam as much as you do. We do not share your information with anyone. You will not receive spam or junk mail as a result of giving your details. Because the supply of two referees required?
If you sell to us, ask for two references. This is because, at some point after the sale of the policy, the new owner could be required to determine whether a question has arisen. How can I tell you who you say you are?
We are governed by the (Financial Services Authority), FSA registration number 179442, details can be found on their website. We are also a member of the APMM (Association of Policy Market Makers), the premier industry trade body. How do I know if I get paid?
The transfer of ownership of the policy is conducted by a lawyer who holds the money due to confidence in the same way as they would if we were buying the house. The money is then paid as soon as the lawyers to receive notification that the ownership of the policy framework has been transferred to us. Lawyers are regulated by the Law Society.


Sell Your Endowment Policy - 1stpolicy

Sell Your Endowment Policy

Thinking of surrendering your endowment policy? Why not sell your endowment instead? You could get up to 40% more by selling your endowment to 1st Policy, rather than surrendering the endowment policy to the life company. 1st Policy has been trading in endowment policies since 1994 and are one of the leading buyers and sellers of endowments policies in the UK.

Here at 1st Policy, we aim to provide what matters most - service at its best. If you wish to have a free, no obligation endowment policy valuation, we will respond to your request quickly and, if you accept our offer, we will send a contract out to you the same day.

Our solicitors will undertake all the necessary legal work and keep you informed at no expense. If you are interested in selling your endowment policy, start by filling-in our online valuation form or for more information please visit our frequently asked questions page. Please feel free to contact us for further help or information.

